The Changing Face of Homelessness

What We Do

People experiencing homelessness or in financial crisis have basic human needs that will always remain the same food, shelter, and safety. But, as other factors like Michigan's affordable housing market, the nationwide addiction epidemic, and family homelessness become more complex, the faces of homelessness are beginning to change, and so are the needs.

Services offered at KGM


KGM offers a safe place to sleep and a warm meal to anyone in need. We know that each person has a unique story. KGM accepts people right where they are at, and through relationships, we get to know their story and work with them to achieve their goals.

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Through individualized support with a staff member, we begin to unpack what has led to homelessness. We support individuals through relationships, educational opportunities, life skills development, job readiness, health services, and children’s ministry for parents.


God desires for us to live an abundant life (John 10:10) and, scripture tells us that God desires that we be in good health (3 John 2). Through our one-year Regeneration and Recovery Program, we strive to give our guests the knowledge they need to live healthy lives absent from sickness, disease, and addiction.


A Godly productive life must be built on the foundation of Christ. The purpose of the Spiritual Growth Track is to equip participants with a solid foundation in Christ and the tools needed to grow in the Christian Faith. Through daily chapel, Bible studies, and peer groups, participants will learn Biblical principles that will ground them in their faith and teach them how to apply Biblical principles to their lives in a practical manner.


Reaching the community through a local neighborhood center, KDC offers clothing, housewares, food pantry, and support for those who live in the community but are having a hard time making ends meet.

“ I hope people support the mission because they are doing a lot,



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